Association bodies

General pile

is the highest body of the Association. At the general meeting, each member of the Association is represented by a delegate or proxy on the basis of a written power of attorney granted by the member’s authorized entity. The delegate of a legal entity can only be a natural person who participates in a key way in its immediate management. Another member of the Association can also be a proxy. Another member of the Association can represent a maximum of one other member of the Association as a proxy. The meeting of the general meeting is convened by the executive director or the board of directors based on the discussion of the meeting agenda in the board of directors. In the event that the general meeting is not convened in the relevant calendar year, the supervisory board may convene it. The proceedings of the general meeting are chaired by the president, or in his absence by the vice-president, who has been in this position the longest (in the case of equal terms of office, he is older), or by the president or the aforementioned vice-president designated by the managing general meeting

The President and Vice-Presidents of the Association of the Automotive Industry are elected by the general meeting for a four-year term.


Board of directors

In accordance with the resolutions of the general meeting, directs and manages the activities of the AutoSAP secretariat between meetings of the general meeting. It consists of a president, up to three vice-presidents and other members.

Composition of the Board of Directors in the term of office 2021 – 2025:

  • Ing. Martin JAHN – president, member of the board of directors of Škoda Auto a.s.
  • Ing. Miroslav DVOŘÁKvice president, Vice President of the Suppliers Division, Chairman of the Board of MOTOR JIKOV Group, a.s.
  • Dr. Robert KIML – vice president, President of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Czech Republic s.r.o.
  • Ing. Petr NOVÁK – vice president, chairman of the Suppliers Division, Chief Operating Officer JTEKT Central Europe
  • Ing. Mojmír ČAPKA – member of the board of directors, vice-chairman of the Supplier Division, chairman of the board of directors of BRISK Tábor, a.s.
  • M.Sc. David KŘÍŽ – member of the board of directors, chairman of the Division of final vehicle manufacturers, general manager of Iveco Czech Republic, a.s.
  • Dr. Ing. Karel LUŇÁČEK – member of the board of directors, representative of the Special Purpose Organizations Division, director ESI Eastern Europe s.r.o.
  • Ing. Petr MAŠEK – member of the board of directiors, CEO of Piston Rings Komarov s.r.o.
  • Ing. Petr OSTRÝ – member of the board of directors, executive of AGADOS, spol. s.r.o.
  • Ing. Lukáš ROSŮLEK – member of the board of directors, Country Head of Czech Republic SCHAEFFLER (Vitesco Technologies Czech Republic)
  • Ing. Jiří SOCHA, Ph.D. – member of the board of directors, CEO of TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.

  • Viktor Marušák – honorary member of the board of directors, representative of the Association of the Automobile Industry of the Slovak Republic


Supervisory board

It is the control and appeal body of the Association. He is responsible for his activities to the general meeting. The Supervisory Board has 3 members and elects the Chairman of the Supervisory Board from among its members.

  • Doc. Ing. Ivo JUŘIČKA, CSc. – chairman of the supervisory board, director of SSC Ferona, a.s.
  • Tomáš PAVLÍK – member of the supervisory board, executive of 100% REWORK s.r.o.
  • Karel VODIČKA – member of the supervisory board, executive of ZLINER s.r.o.



It is the service workplace of the Association, managed by the executive director.

Current employees of the AutoSAP secretariat, their functions, direct telephone and e-mail connections – see secretariat contacts.

According to the production program, companies and organizations involved in AutoSAP are divided into three groups and two divisions:

  • Division of final vehicle manufacturers
  • Division of suppliers and special purpose organizations