
Automotive companies and European legislation. What makes sense and what is out of touch with reality?

Should the government specifically support the automotive sector / selected companies in green transformation? What should be the Czech Republic’s priorities in European policy in terms of the automotive sector? And what changes can actually be realistically enforced in the current green legislation? We asked managers of several companies in the automotive sector, finalists and suppliers. Read how Petr Michník, David Kříž, Miroslav Dvořák, Petr Mašek, Lukáš Rosůlek and Miroslav Záhorec see it. ...

Automated Driving: Driver 3.0 and the New Rules of the Road

The Czech Republic has decided to make significant progress on the path to autonomous mobility. The working group has prepared changes to the legislation that will allow the operation of Level 3 automated vehicles on selected roads. According to the amended secti ...

We can do it. We have huge credit in the US

At the beginning is silicon carbide powder, at the end is a small component, without which the world cannot do today. Thanks to an investment of up to two billion dollars, this entire process should get underway in the foothills of the Beskydy Mountains, and ...

Foreign direct investment. We are still ahead of Poland

Although Taiwan’s TSMC did not invest in the Czech Republic, but in Dresden, Germany, a number of subcontractors could settle here. Jan Michal, the CEO of CzechInvest, believes this and in an interview explains what the agency is doing for this. W ...

CEE Automotive Supply Chain 2024: in Žilina about the changing world

Lower sales of new vehicles and geopolitical risks in the form of Chinese competition or upcoming events in the US are the topics that dominated this year’s CEE Automotive Supply Chain 2024 conference. Representatives of the automotive industry discuss ...

Artificial intelligence: the future is here and it has rules

In March of this year, the final form of the Artificial Intelligence Regulation (AI Act) was approved at the plenary session of the European Parliament, which should enter into force in 2026. The EU thereby sets the rules for models based on artificial intelligen ...

German locomotive has lost steam

Germany is often described as the “economic locomotive of Europe”. A country with huge industrial potential, strong research, a highly skilled and well-paid workforce, a world export power. It is also the Czech Republic’s primary part ...

From hybrids to batteries. Kolín fights for the electric car

He came to the interview from his morning boxing training still with plenty of energy and in good spirits, although not everything he said later was happy. Robert Kiml, the new – and first Czech – president of Kolín-based Toyota Motor Manufacturing Cz ...

Kamil Blazek: It’s right to have ambitions, but…

“The Czech Republic suffers from an unwillingness to help new investment projects. Greenfield investments have to overcome so many obstacles that they often make no sense for the investor,” says Kamil Blažek, chairman of the Association for F ...

The new European invasion of China

Cooperation between China and Europe in the automotive industry began 40 years ago when the first Volkswagen Santana was assembled in China from imported parts. The partnership between Chinese and European manufacturers is now taking on a whole new dimension ...

David Kříž: The bus is not an inflated car, each piece is unique

Although the General Manager of Iveco Czech Republic, David Kříž, has a driving licence only for passenger cars, he was happy to sit behind the wheel of a bus with the IVECO BUS brand at our request. He is proud of this brand, especially the CROSSWAY model series, which is produced R ...

Tatra has a new Phoenix, managers and offices. It is also exploring the development of alternative drives.

Tatra Trucks has introduced the latest generation of the Tatra Phoenix model range, which builds on proven foundations while introducing many new features that improve comfort, safety and efficiency. Series production will begin in the summer. At the same time, t ...

Where the cars of the future drive

The BMW Group’s unique development and testing centre in Sokolov has the ambition to play a key role in the development of future mobility systems. The 25 kilometres of test tracks on the six-hectare site, which was built on a former open-pit mine spoil heap, are being used t ...

20th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s EU accession: competitiveness is declining and the Green Deal needs repair

Europe is losing competitiveness and one of the strongest pillars of its economy, the automotive industry, is being eroded by over-regulation, expensive inputs and the absence of a long-term industrial policy. This was the subject of a debate between ma ...

What “our” people are taking to Strasbourg

The European Parliament elections are almost two months away. Business representatives, many politicians and the part of the public that is interested in European affairs agree that the next Parliament will be a bit different.Most also agree ...

Hydrogen: the search for the right colour

The use of hydrogen in transport, like virtually all new technologies, has its uncritical supporters and staunch opponents. Moreover, the view of its future changes over time – again from enthusiastic promotion and support to outright condemnation. Technica ...

Martin Kupka and Alexandr Vondra on Euro 7 negotiations: how we played it

It has shown that in the European Union, even a medium-sized country can achieve something and influence legislation to its liking. It takes hundreds of hours of work and considerable diplomatic effort. After all, was it not possible to achieve an even bette ...

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