
Tatra has a new Phoenix, managers and offices. It is also exploring the development of alternative drives.

Tatra Trucks has introduced the latest generation of the Tatra Phoenix model range, which builds on proven foundations while introducing many new features that improve comfort, safety and efficiency. Series production will begin in the summer. At the same time, the carmaker continues to develop vehicles with alternative drives. ...

Where the cars of the future drive

The BMW Group’s unique development and testing centre in Sokolov has the ambition to play a key role in the development of future mobility systems. The 25 kilometres of test tracks on the six-hectare site, which was built on a former open-pit mine spoil heap, are being used t ...

20th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s EU accession: competitiveness is declining and the Green Deal needs repair

Europe is losing competitiveness and one of the strongest pillars of its economy, the automotive industry, is being eroded by over-regulation, expensive inputs and the absence of a long-term industrial policy. This was the subject of a debate between ma ...

What “our” people are taking to Strasbourg

The European Parliament elections are almost two months away. Business representatives, many politicians and the part of the public that is interested in European affairs agree that the next Parliament will be a bit different.Most also agree ...

Hydrogen: the search for the right colour

The use of hydrogen in transport, like virtually all new technologies, has its uncritical supporters and staunch opponents. Moreover, the view of its future changes over time – again from enthusiastic promotion and support to outright condemnation. Technica ...

Martin Kupka and Alexandr Vondra on Euro 7 negotiations: how we played it

It has shown that in the European Union, even a medium-sized country can achieve something and influence legislation to its liking. It takes hundreds of hours of work and considerable diplomatic effort. After all, was it not possible to achieve an even bette ...

Continental Barum: Automatic tyre warehouse as a pilot project

Optimised production processes, faster deliveries to customers and more sustainable operations – these are the main benefits of Continental’s newly commissioned automated tyre warehouse. At Continental Barum, this is the largest investment in rec ...

Carbon offset at the start. Get ready

To level the playing field between EU and non-EU companies while helping to reduce global CO2 emissions. This is the aim of the European Commission’s regulation on the introduction of a border carbon offset mechanism (CBAM). The document came into force on 1 October this year and ...

Zdeněk Zajíček: The band is still playing, but the underdeck is leaking

“We don’t say: State, government, do it. We have our sleeves rolled up and we are ready to do the work,” emphasizes Zdeněk Zajíček, President of the Czech Chamber of Commerce.The strategic areas the Czech Republic should focus on are clear and entrepreneurs repeatedly tell the g ...

Chinese automotive industry. Actually quite a simple way up

After seventy years of existence, the Chinese automotive industry has become a major force in the global automotive market. Since 2012, China has been the world’s largest car producer and its lead is growing. In 2022, the country will produce 27 million motor vehicles (including n ...

Second life for batteries

“Automotive companies, steelmakers and other large businesses are now leading the peloton of companies asking for rapid decarbonisation solutions. This shows that everyone is taking the Green Deal seriously,” says Kamil Čermák, Chairman of the Board and CEO of ČEZ ESCO. The decarbonis ...

Jan Rafaj, President of SP ČR: An opportunity for a reset

“We have wasted a lot of time and weakened Europe, but the fact that politicians are much more willing to listen today gives me some hope – even though I know it will be difficult. Now Europe is beginning to realise that it cannot do without some strategic inputs. So far, pe ...

Support for investment projects: Who gives more and who gets nothing

Since the beginning of the system of investment incentives in the Czech Republic in the 1990s, their granting has always been not only an economic but also a political matter. Support for projects has repeatedly been the subject of sometimes acrimonious discussions and the law has been chang ...

Winding alternative paths to carbon neutrality or what to power internal combustion engines with?

The European legislation requiring the sale of zero CO2 cars from 2035 applies only to new vehicles. Cars purchased until then with internal combustion engines can continue to run on petrol and diesel. There are no shortage of them and there will not be for a long time. Cleaner fuel alternat ...

User interface testing. Virtual reality explores driver attention

Digiteq Automotive’s unique VXLab for testing user interface concepts validates subjective user data using behavioural research, powerful computers and special hardware. Virtual reality makes testing more comprehensive and efficient. And adapt future developments even more to the needs ...

onsemi Rožnov is heading among the top

Chips, tiny electrical components without which the modern world can no longer function. Countries are racing to attract companies to produce them in sufficient volume. The European Union has therefore come up with a new law that could benefit Czech manufacturers as well. He is no newcomer t ...

100% REWORK and 24 VISION. Neural networks in the lead role

100% REWORK, a company that provides services primarily in the field of quality control, has made an investment in the start-up company 24 VISION, which develops applications based on neural networks. The connection with the development company is expected to bring 100% REWORK an eve ...

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