Round table on the future of the automotive industry

About event

The aim of the roundtable, organised by the European Parliament Office in the Czech Republic, is to create a space for an expert debate on the future of the automotive industry in the context of the new EU Action Plan for the sector. The automotive industry is currently in a major transformation phase, facing challenges related to the decarbonisation of transport, competition from the US and China, technological innovation and the regulatory environment.

The discussion will be conceived as a closed platform for approximately 25 to 30 stakeholders from different areas – representatives of industry, NGOs, academia and government. The purpose of the event is not a one-sided presentation, but rather an exchange of diverse opinions and professional perspectives. Four to five keynote speakers will provide the initial impetus for the discussion, which should include MEPs who are involved in industry issues at European level. MEP Danuše Nerudová (EPP/Mayors and Independents) is already confirmed among the participants and the European Parliament Office together with EURACTIV is reaching out to other MEPs. The list of invited stakeholders includes automotive companies, representatives of research institutions (e.g. Centre for Transport Research, CTU, BUT, TU Liberec, Škoda Auto University), non-profit organisations (Centre for Transport and Energy, EUROPEUM, Climate Team AMO) and representatives of state administration (Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Industry and Trade).


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