In the Czech Republic, 464,444 passenger vehicles were produced in the first four months, a quarter more than in the same period last year. April alone saw a 20 per cent increase in the number of vehicles produced. However, despite the positive results and the stabilising situation in the passenger car segment, the automotive industry still has to face a shortage of certain components, especially semiconductors, which is mainly reflected in the production of buses and motorcycles. 56 143 electric vehicles were produced from January to the end of April and their share in domestic production rose to 12%, which is 1.9 percentage points more than last year.
“The continuing trend of growth in passenger car production, the completion of all the Škoda Auto vehicles waiting in the parking lots or the continuing demand for new vehicles are very good news not only for the Czech automotive industry but also for the entire domestic economy. However, the persistent year-on-year decline in production in the bus and motorcycle segments confirms that the chip crisis is not completely over and both final manufacturers and suppliers will have to face fluctuating supplies even during 2023,” says Zdeněk Petzl, Executive Director of the Association of the Automotive Industry.
Passenger vehicles
In January-April, 464,444 passenger vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic, i.e. 28.5% more than in the first four months of the previous year. Electric vehicles (EVs) accounted for 56 141 vehicles and their share in domestic car production exceeded 12%. A total of 40 729 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and 15 412 plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) were produced.
Škoda Auto, the largest domestic carmaker, produced 296,851 passenger cars (+40.4%) at its domestic plants in the first four months. 31,411 electric vehicles (BEVs and PHEVs) were produced, i.e. 10.6% of the brand’s total production. Of these, 26,024 were battery vehicles and 5,387 were plug-in hybrids.
Hyundai’s Nosovice plant produced a total of 114,650 vehicles in the first four months, 10.3% more than in the same period last year. Of the total, 14,705 vehicles were pure electric and 10,025 plug-in hybrids. Overall, electric vehicles accounted for almost 21.6% of total production.
Production at Toyota of Cologne was also higher year-on-year. 52,943 cars were produced, 14.9% more than in January-April 2022. In absolute terms, 6,854 more passenger cars were produced in Cologne in the period. Hybrid vehicles (HEVs) accounted for over 53% of production.
In the first four months of 2023, 248 fewer buses were produced in the Czech Republic than in the same period last year. The total value of production was 1,407 buses, a 15% decrease compared to the previous year.
IVECO CR in Vysoké Mýto produced 1,303 buses, 12.6% less than in the same period last year. SOR Libchavy produced a total of 99 buses in the first four months of this year, i.e. 47 less (-32.2%) than last year. KHMC produced 5 minibuses in the period. In the electric drive segment, a total of 2 battery BEV buses were produced at SOR’s Libchav plant.
Traditional motorcycle manufacturer JAWA Moto also saw a decline in production. In the first third of the year, a total of 266 motorcycles (-70%) rolled off the production line of the domestic brand, i.e. 622 motorcycles less than last year in absolute terms.