
The Automotive Industry Association announced the winners of the Enterprise of the Year 2023 competition

For the twenty-sixth time, the Automotive Industry Association has announced the winners of the Automotive Business of the Year competition. As in previous years, this year’s edition, which assessed the basic economic results of companies in 2023, announced a total of six most successful companies, divided into two categories according to the number of employees – up to 250 and over 250 people. The award ceremony and the presentation of iconic glass sculptures of horses to the winners took place during the Automotive Leaders Forum 2024 social evening in Prague. ...

2023: Growth in vehicle production, sales and exports

Return to pre-crisis production values, year-on-year growth of exports by more than 23 percent and sales to almost CZK 1.5 trillion – these are the basic attributes that can be used to characterize the development of the member companies of the Automotive Industry ...

Read the summer issue of Czech Car Industry magazine

Nobody can see into anybody’s head. However, based on many interviews, one can roughly guess what occupies the brain capacity of automotive managers. We have tried to do so in this issue of Czech Car Industry. And here are our findings. David Kříž, head of Iveco in the Czech Republic, ...

Vehicle production in the Czech Republic continues to grow

In the Czech Republic, 651,935 passenger vehicles were produced in the first five months. This is almost 10% more than in the same period last year. The motorcycle category recorded significant growth, with production up by 46.5% to 476 units. There was a sl ...

Tariffs on Chinese electric cars are not the solution

We note that the European Commission has proposed the imposition of provisional countervailing duties on imports of electric vehicles manufactured in China. The Automotive Industry Association has long supported fair and open trade based on a level playing f ...

Tatra has a new Phoenix, managers and offices. It is also exploring the development of alternative drives.

Tatra Trucks has introduced the latest generation of the Tatra Phoenix model range, which builds on proven foundations while introducing many new features that improve comfort, safety and efficiency. Series production will begin in the summer. At the same time, t ...

Vehicle production already passed the half-million mark in April

In the first four months of 2024, a total of 531,355 vehicles have already been completed on the lines of domestic passenger vehicle manufacturers, i.e. 14.4% more than last year. The half a million vehicles produced mark was thus surpassed a month ...

Where the cars of the future drive

The BMW Group’s unique development and testing centre in Sokolov has the ambition to play a key role in the development of future mobility systems. The 25 kilometres of test tracks on the six-hectare site, which was built on a former open-pit mine spoil heap, are being used t ...

20th anniversary of the Czech Republic’s EU accession: competitiveness is declining and the Green Deal needs repair

Europe is losing competitiveness and one of the strongest pillars of its economy, the automotive industry, is being eroded by over-regulation, expensive inputs and the absence of a long-term industrial policy. This was the subject of a debate between ma ...

Car production reaches record levels in the first quarter

In the first quarter, a total of 394,443 passenger vehicles were produced by domestic automotive companies, up 11.5% year-on-year. This is the highest production result for the first quarter of the year in the history of the Czech Republic. Production increases were ...

Automotive Industry Association’s priorities for the upcoming European programming period 2024-2029

The Czech and European automotive sector is going through a crucial period in its history. With the European elections approaching, it is therefore essential to focus fully on charting a path towards its continued prosperity and strengthening its global relevanc ...

What “our” people are taking to Strasbourg

The European Parliament elections are almost two months away. Business representatives, many politicians and the part of the public that is interested in European affairs agree that the next Parliament will be a bit different.Most also agree ...

Car industry production above pre-crisis levels

In the first two months of 2024, a total of 263,028 vehicles have already been completed on the lines of domestic passenger vehicle manufacturers. This represents a year-on-year increase of 22.3%. Bus manufacturers also recorded an increase of more than ...

New issue of the magazine Czech Automotive Industry

It is not usual to put politicians on the front page of the Czech Car Industry. This time we made an exception – and for good reason. The Euro 7 standard has been moving the European car in ...

Hydrogen: the search for the right colour

The use of hydrogen in transport, like virtually all new technologies, has its uncritical supporters and staunch opponents. Moreover, the view of its future changes over time – again from enthusiastic promotion and support to outright condemnation. Technica ...

Martin Kupka and Alexandr Vondra on Euro 7 negotiations: how we played it

It has shown that in the European Union, even a medium-sized country can achieve something and influence legislation to its liking. It takes hundreds of hours of work and considerable diplomatic effort. After all, was it not possible to achieve an even bette ...

January production sees year-on-year growth across all vehicle categories

In the first month of this year, a total of 132,289 passenger vehicles rolled off the lines of domestic manufacturers, i.e. 17.3% more than last year. The production of buses also saw an alm ...

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