AutoSAP – Auto Industry Support 3. Project reg. no. CZ.03.01.03/00/22_040/0002254 is intended for employees of companies that are members of the Association of the Automotive Industry.
The main objective of the project is to increase the level of professional knowledge and skills of employees of the participating companies. Through the professional training of employees of our member base in the project, we strive for the prosperity and development of companies. We will support the personal development of individual employees, increase their competences in a comprehensive way and strengthen teamwork and the development of the company culture.
AutoSAP – IT education. It is financed by the European Union. Project No. CZ.31.6.0/0.0/0.0/23_101/0008479 is intended for employees of companies that are members of the Association of the Automotive Industry.
The aim of the project is to increase the level of professional knowledge and skills of employees.
ALBATTS – The Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills
Project number 612675-EPP-1-2019-1-SE-EPPKA2-SSA-B co-financed by the European Union Erasmus + program
20 partners from 10 European countries are involved in the ALBATTS project. It analyzes the entire value chain of batteries, from the mining and processing of mineral resources, through the production of batteries and battery packs, through battery applications in mobile devices (road vehicles, ships, trains, planes, drones, bicycles, scooters, etc.) and stationary devices (energy storage ), up to the second life of batteries and their recycling.
Using analyses, webinars and questionnaire surveys, it identifies the main technological trends in the field of batteries, industry needs and the existing education offer, and proposes adaptations of education systems with the aim of ensuring the future competitiveness of the EU, especially with regard to the emergence of e-mobility. AutoSAP, within the ALBATTS project, leads the WP5 working group on the use of batteries in mobile applications.
is a grant project funded by the European Climate Foundation under grant number G-2304-65820.
The aim of the project is to analyse the employment challenges related in particular to the green and digital transformation of the automotive industry in the Czech and Slovak Republics and to formulate an action plan for the implementation of the up-skilling and re-skilling agenda in both countries, including the dissemination of relevant findings and recommendations among selected stakeholders.
Project outputs:
DAFE – Deeper and Faster E-mobility
is a grant project funded by the European Climate Foundation registered under grant number G-2406-68425.
The aim of the project is to define suitable conditions for increasing the attractiveness of work for the e-mobility value chain in the Czech Republic. At the same time, to analyze key bottlenecks and provide policy recommendations and an action plan for critical challenges for a faster take-up of e-mobility in the Czech Republic (following the recommendations of the FAST project).
Start date: 1. 7. 2024
End date: 31. 12. 2024
Project outputs:
Desk Research on customer perceptions of electromobility – HERE
Final document mapping barriers to electromobility in the Czech Republic along with a set of recommendations for improvement – HERE