
The Automotive Industry Association announced the winners of the Enterprise of the Year 2023 competition

For the twenty-sixth time, the Automotive Industry Association has announced the winners of the Automotive Business of the Year competition. As in previous years, this year’s edition, which assessed the basic economic results of companies in 2023, announced a total of six most successful companies, divided into two categories according to the number of employees – up to 250 and over 250 people. The award ceremony and the presentation of iconic glass sculptures of horses to the winners took place during the Automotive Leaders Forum 2024 social evening in Prague. ...

Read the summer issue of Czech Car Industry magazine

Nobody can see into anybody’s head. However, based on many interviews, one can roughly guess what occupies the brain capacity of automotive managers. We have tried to do so in this issue of Czech Car Industry. And here are our findings. David Kříž, head of Iveco in the Czech Republic, ...

Automotive Industry Association’s priorities for the upcoming European programming period 2024-2029

The Czech and European automotive sector is going through a crucial period in its history. With the European elections approaching, it is therefore essential to focus fully on charting a path towards its continued prosperity and strengthening its global relevanc ...

New issue of the magazine Czech Automotive Industry

It is not usual to put politicians on the front page of the Czech Car Industry. This time we made an exception – and for good reason. The Euro 7 standard has been moving the European car in ...

The December issue of the Český autoprůmysl magazine is here

Let’s start with a quote from our big interview, “Europe is terribly slow, it is not action-oriented, we just have a lot of stamps and long processes…” Lukáš Rosůlek from Vitesco speaks about Europe in this way, but in the second interview of the current iss ...

CEE Automotive Supply Chain 2023: We have a chance to emerge stronger from the transformation

It’s not happy, the irregularity of deliveries and outages continue, but the worst is hopefully behind us. This is how representatives of automotive supply companies assessed the current situation during the CEE Automotive Supply Chain conference, the largest meeting of automotive sect ...

Read the September issue of Czech Car Industry magazine

It would take you a long time to find a text in this issue of Czech Car Industry that does not mention electromobility in some way. It is not that we have deliberately chosen firms and topics that relate to this phenomenon. That is just the way it is. The transition to alternative drives ...

Automotive Leaders Forum 2023: The elite of the Czech automotive industry gathered in Mánes

Work and fun, such was the content of the Automotive Leaders Forum event, which took place on 27 June in the functionalist building of Galerie Mánes. For the second year of this unique event, the Association of the Automotive Industry invited not only representatives of AutoSAP member companies, ...

Automotive Industry Association announces the winners of the 2022 Business of the Year competition

For the twenty-fifth time, the Automotive Industry Association has announced the winners of the Automotive Business of the Year competition. As in previous years, this year’s edition, which assessed the basic economic results of companies in 2022, announced a total of six most suc ...

The summer issue of the Czech Car Industry magazine is out

Dear readers, the level of uncertainty is increasing, said, among others, former Slovak Finance Minister, now advisor, Ivan Mikloš at the recent NEWMATEC conference. He was referring to the economy as a whole, but at an event where the challenges facing the automotive industry were discussed ...

Časopis Český autoprůmysl 1.Q/2023 v novém layoutu je na světě

Vážené čtenářky, vážení čtenáři, právě před třiadvaceti lety, v březnu roku 2000, přijala Evropská rada v Lisabonu strategii, jejímž cílem bylo vytvořit z Evropské unie „nejdynamičtější a nejkonkurenceschopnější ekonomiku světa založenou na znalostech, schopnou udržitelného ho ...

Batteries for electric cars: the Congo, Chile and more. It won’t go without them yet

Electric cars have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But there are also analyses that battery production for these cars may soon face shortages of critical raw materials. What are the origins of lithium, cobalt, nickel, manganese and other raw materials and what does ...

Martin Kupka: The goal must be reached in a feasible way

Transport Minister Martin Kupka understands the concerns of the automotive industry about the upcoming Euro 7/VII standard. In his opinion, it is not only too ambitious, but in some requirements it is directly unfeasible. The Minister described to the magazine Czech Car Industry how the negotiati ...

January production was one-fifth higher year on year

January production in the passenger car segment, compared to the first month of 2022, was up 21.7% year-on-year. A total of 112,794 passenger vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic. Almost 11% of these were electric vehicles. However, the volume of production continues to be negatively ...

AutoSAP’s response to the demand for accelerated introduction of electric drives in trucks and buses – revision of the regulation on CO2 emission targets for heavy goods vehicles and buses

On 14 February 2023, the European Commission presented a revision of the CO2 emission limits for heavy vehicles (trucks and buses). The new rules amend the existing EU Regulation 2019/1242, which set the first ever EU greenhouse gas emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles. Under the e ...

Euro 7/VII: “high costs vs. negligible benefits”

The proposed new Euro 7/VII emission standards will have major negative impacts on internal combustion engine vehicles and their availability. At the same time, it will drain much needed resources for investment in the development of electric vehicles. Among its main drawbacks: ...

Despite extensive challenges in 2022, a total of 1.25 million vehicles were produced in the Czech Republic

The year 2022 was filled with a number of difficult challenges for the Czech automotive industry. Despite persistent shortages of semiconductors and other components, the war in Ukraine, and difficulties in production and logistics chains, a total of 1,249,281 road vehicles of all types ...

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