Smart Production Solutions Norimberk

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31. Mezinárodní odborný veletrh průmyslové automatizace proběhne ve dnech 24. - 26. 11. 2020 v Norimberku. Využijte čtyřicetiprocentní slevu na registraci pro členy Sdružení automobilového průmyslu.

Pro využití slevy kontaktujte sekretariát Sdružení automobilového průmyslu.

Hands-on. Visionary. Personal.

We have the solutions – and you have a world of possibilities!

With its unique concept, SPS covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation – from simple sensors to intelligent solutions, from what is feasible today to the vision of a fully digitalized industrial world.

The focus is on practical solutions for your specific business area. Find answers to your current needs on-site, as well as possible solutions for the challenges of tomorrow. With the participation of highly qualified exhibitors and visitors, an exchange on equal terms is facilitated guaranteeing a worthwhile and successful visit. 

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